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Grammar: Beograd & Tršić, September 24–29, 2018

The challenging connection between key philological skills and the under¬stan-ding of civil societies will be established on a summer school dedicated to the work of Ivo Andrić that will be held in Tršić in August 2018. The nobel prize winner Ivo Andrić has created the image of the bridge between cultures in his fiction; as a diplomat he worked in Paris, Madrid, Brussels, Geneva and Berlin. Many of his manuscripts and marginalia have never been edited. Thanks to the cooperation with the editorial project, students will be able to work with (scans of) unpublished materials in Serbian, German and French. They will approach the thought of one of the outstanding intellectuals in the history of South Eastern Europe with the help of philological skills (many of the manuscripts are extremely difficult to decipher). They will observe the co-existence of several cultures and the difficult relations between South Slavic and Western European cultures from a philological perspective. 
