PD Dr. Vladislava Warditz
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin für Slavische Sprachwissenschaft
☎ (0221) 470-3355
✉ vwarditzuni-koeln.de
Sprechstunden: nach Vereinbarung
ORCID: 0000-0003-0514-9675
ResearchGate: Vladislava-Warditz
Academia: VladislavaWarditznéeŽdanovaВладиславаВардицурождЖданова
Research interests
Language contact and multilingualism; Migrant and heritage languages studies; Field work and corpus linguistics; Language change and archaic language structures; Sociolinguistics and variational linguistics; Onomastics; Syntax of causative constructions; Translation; Circulation of knowledge, Migrant Knowledge and History of Linguistics
Current research project
Language convergence and diversity in the post-Soviet multilingual diaspora across the world (= special issue, International Journal of Bilingualism) [forthcoming]
Russian Grammar today: New insights and challenges (= special issue, Russian Linguistics) [forthcoming]
This collection of papers tackles the issues that arise when Russian Grammar meets different new linguistic paradigms (such as corpus linguistics) and new challenges (such as heritage languages), and discusses the findings with a particular focus on a revision or update of the last Academy Grammar of Russian language (Академическая грамматика русского языка), edited by Natalia Shvedova (1980).
Authors: Igorʹ Melchuk, Laura Janda, Stephen Dickey, Galina Kustova, Anton Zimmerling, Petr Biskup, Valentina Apresjan, and Vladislava Warditz.
Recently finished research and conference projects
Multilingual families’ response to COVID-19: New Opportunities and Challenges, in collaboration with Dr. Natalia Meir (Bar-Ilan University), supported by the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF), University of Potsdam, https://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/bilingualism-and-covid/index
International Research Project Migration, Wissenstransfer und Slawistik: Der Fall Max Vasmer, University of Potsdam/ Catholic University of Leuven, Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung (2020-2021)
5th International Symposium Russian Grammar: System – Usus – Variation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (09/2021), University of Potsdam
International Conference Language contact and interlingual communication: German, Polish and other languages. (12/2021), Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski (Poland), in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Renata Nadobnik (Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski)
(* = peer-reviewed)
see academia.edu
*2022: R. Nadobnik, V. Warditz (eds.): Language contact and interlingual communication: German, Polish and other languages. Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg. https://www.verlagdrkovac.de/978-3-339-13316-8.htm
*2021: V. Warditz (ed.): Russian Grammar: System - Usus - Variation. (In Honor of Alan Timberlake) (= Linguistica Philologica 1), Peter Lang Verlag, Berlin et al.
*2018: V. Warditz: Varianz im Russischen: Von funktionalstilistischer zur soziolinguistischen Perspektive. (= Variolingua. Nonstandard - Standard – Substandard, Band 50), Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. u.a. 2018.
*2015: V. Warditz, B. Kreß (eds): Multilingualism and Translation. Studies on Slavonic and Non-Slavonic Languages in Contact. Potsdam Linguistic Investigations, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.
2009: V. Zhdanova: „Unsere Waffe war das Wort…“ Translation in Kriegszeiten. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. u.a. 2009.
Papers (2021–2024)
*[forthcoming]a: Multilingual dynamics in the wake of COVID-19: A comparative study on home languages across four countries. International Journal of Multilingualism. (together with Natalia Meir, Svitlana Karpava & Natalia Ringblom)
*[forthcoming]b: Heritage Russian in contact with Hebrew and German: Cross-linguistic study of requests. International Journal of Bilingualism. (together with Marina Avramenko & Natalia Meir)
*[forthcoming]c: К типологии (пост)имперских заимствований: русизмы в латышском сленге (engl.: Towards a typology of (post)imperial borrowings: Russisms in Latvian slang). In: Trudy Instituta Russkogo Iazyka imeni V.V. Vinogradova (Proceedings of the V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute).
*2024: Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism in the war-affected Ukrainian migrant and refugee communities in Germany and Austria: A survey-based study on language attitudes. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 15 - 2024 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1364112 (together with Natalia Meir)
*2023a: Внутриязыковые страты в межъязыковом контакте (на материале русского языка диаспоры в Германии) (engl. Intralingual varieties in interlingual contact (the case of migrant Russian in Germany)). Izvestija Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Serija literatury i jazyka, 82 (5) 2023, 22–36.
*2023b: Digital education during pandemic and situation in Kazakhstan: Current States and Forecasts. Filologija serijasy, 3(191) 2023, 199-207. (together with Zhanar Ibraeva & Yerkezhan Kurmanbek)
*2023c: Sprachkontakt und Anredesystem: Eine experimentelle Studie zum Migrationspolnischen in Deutschland, Schnittstelle Germanistik, 3(1) 2023, 39-65.
*2022a: History of Sociolinguistics in the context of Circulation of Knowledge: A case of Slavic Studies. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 32(2), 201-220.
*2022b: Sprachkontakt in der Geschichte des archaischen Lokativs in der Slavia (anhand der Nowgoroder Birkenrindentexte), Zeitschrift für Slawistik 67(3), 402-431.
2021a: Slavic Studies as Migrant Knowledge: The Case of Max Vasmer. https://migrantknowledge.org/ (together with Wim Coudenys).
*2021b: Structural Variations in Heritage Russian Speakers in Germany: Language Usage or Language Change? In: Franks, S., Timberlake, A., Wietecka, A. (eds.): Selected Proceedings of Slavic Linguistic Society (SLS) 14, in Honor of Peter Kosta, Berlin et al., 305-322.
*2021c: Социолингвистика многоязычия в протестном движении Беларуси. In: Norman, B. & Kuße, H. (eds.): Kommunikacija v ėpochu protestov. (engl. Sociolinguistics of multilingualism in the Belarussian protests) (together with O.Goritzkaja), Berlin et al., 25-60.
*2021d: Imperial patterns in the circulation of grammatical knowledge in the Balkans. In: Sedakova, I. A., Makartsev, M. M., Civjan, T.V. (eds.): The strategies of inter-Balkan communication: Translation. Retelling. Paralipsis, Moscow, 157-161.
*2021e: Is Translation Child’s Play? Circulation of Knowledge in Lomonosov’s Kratkij rossijskij letopisec (1760) and its Translations. Die Welt der Slaven 66 (2021), 46-69. (together with W. Coudenys)